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South Australia


Community, Business and Visitor Guide

Medical Cannabis

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Dear Australia
Earlier this year, I voted with a number of other Senators to overturn the government's ludicrous ban on the importation of medicinal cannabis for people suffering from a terminal illness. I felt it was a great achievement at the time that would see many Australians have easier access to the treatment they desperately need.
However the health bureaucracy subsequently decided to defy the Senate's decision and has issued a threat to importers that they will lose their import licence if they make medicinal cannabis available to these patients.
This is a low blow for those who need urgent access to medicinal cannabis, and shows just how cruel the health system can be. Importers have essentially been told 'We don't care what the Senate decided. We're telling you, you will not import your cannabis products and make them available to needy patients. Local suppliers can meet that need.' (Although they haven't been able to date).

Well I'm not going to sit back and let the government ignore the Senate and ignore the terminally-ill. I'm going to fight this move.

I firmly believe we should have ready access to the medicines we need, including medicinal cannabis. I also believe we should legalise cannabis for all uses, as has occurred in eight American states. That would overcome many of the bureaucratic obstacles currently preventing sick people from gaining the help they need.

The edict from the health bureaucracy, with the support of the government, is a good example of nanny-state restrictions harming our community.

Terminally-ill patients will now find it harder to access treatment, all because of nanny-state thinking.

I will be working to put pressure on the government to show some compassion, pull their health bureaucrats into line, and help the people who need our help.

David Leyonhjelm
Liberal Democrats Senator

P.S. If you support our fight for the availability of medicinal cannabis chip in $10 now here


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Adelaide Railway Station thanks to eGuide Travel (CC BY 2.0)